Pat’s Shoulder Season Tips

What an amazing end to an incredible year of riding bikes here on Vancouver Island. We know many of you were able to stretch out your riding season and enjoy these ongoing mild conditions. I have some tips for you:

Put the bike away for a few weeks.

Let your body recover/recuperate from the repetitive strains of riding all season long. We are truly fortunate to have such an incredible climate to ride in, but it also means we can literally ride 12 months a year.

Enjoy other forms of movement!

This is huge for me. I play hockey and ski during the winters, and spend as much time as possible in the yoga studio and gym. What other forms of movement do you enjoy that can help keep your fitness and coordination high when you’re not riding?

Reflect on your 2023 season.

It might seem silly but I really find it helps me have perspective on what can otherwise feel like a whirlwind. I legit get out a big piece of construction paper, and make a timeline of all the riding that I did (races/trips/training/coaching/adventures/events etc).

Make a plan for your 2024 season!

Races you want to attend? Trips you want to plan for you and your friends? New riding zones or trails you want to explore? Maybe you did a 2023 reflection and learned a bit about your process, about what was missing or what you did too much of? Carry that new insight forward into your 2024 plan!

Take some time to organize all your bike gear, kit, and accessories.

Nothing feels better after a long season than getting everything all organized, cleaned, and tucked away into its proper place. Your bike will appreciate a deep clean, servicing, and being stored somewhere warm and dry.

What else do you do during the shoulder season? I’d love to hear what makes your list!

& Have a great holiday season!

- Patrick Nolan


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